Karl Dorman Organist/Pianist
Visiting organist for Church Services, Weddings/Funerals/ Concerts & Accompanist for music exams
Fascinated by the “King of Instruments” from the days of being a probationer chorister at Rugby Parish Church, Karl’s life ambition was to own this sound world.
Arnold Pugh (1935-2019)
He was fortunate to have a skilled organ teacher, Arnold Pugh, who got around most repertoire on the large Forster and Andrews Organ in the stunning Butterfield Church. https://images.app.goo.gl/k199Qd3JKV2nbxfi8
Arnold was Director of Music at RPC from 1966 to 1997.
Arnold’s compositions/arrangements are published by Encore. Richard Tanner, Director of Music at Rugby School, has recorded his arrangement of Silent Night. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2423594361226232
Arnold led a choir of men and boys who made two professional recordings (Abbey Recording Company Ltd.) broadcast and toured. Past boy choristers include the baritone Tom Bullard (King’s College Cambridge and the Swingle Singers) and Andrew Davey, a music teacher at Rugby School. There were notable commissions for the choir by Radcliffe, Sumsion, Vann, Bernard Rose and Sanders. Arnold’s ability and passion inspired Karl to start piano in order to develop essential technique to commence the organ. He assisted other young regional organists such as Jeremy Filsell and Christopher Betts (both have an international reputation). Karl was thrilled to have Technique and Analysis sessions with Jeremy whilst a student at the Royal Academy as part of his academic studies. Chris was Director of Music at St. Mary’s Warwick during Karl’s scholarship.
As a thank you to St. Andrew’s Rugby Karl recorded a “live” disc of Organ Favourites entitled “Organ Triumphans” in order that the recent organ restoration by Peter Spencer https://www.peterspencerpipeorgans.co.uk/ could receive a final grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Are you looking for an organist for Church Services, Weddings, Funerals or Concerts?
Please contact for availability.
The Organ at St. Andrew’s Parish Church, Rugby